Accessibility statement

Accessibility statement
The accessibility statement was updated on 06.23
CalHERS works hard to make our company and website accessible to people with disabilities in order to promote equal rights and transparency towards people with disabilities.

The essence of an accessible website
An accessible website is a website that allows a person with a disability to surf with the same level of efficiency and enjoyment as other surfers, using the capabilities of the system on which it operates and through technologies that help accessibility

CalHERS website
Below are some of the actions carried out as part of making the studio website accessible:
– The means of navigation and orientation on the site are simple and convenient to use.
– The site’s contents are written in simple and clear language and are well organized using headings and lists.
– The site is optimized for viewing in different types of browsers such as Chrome, Mozilla
– Adapting the website to work environments with different resolutions.
– The graphic objects have a textual alternative (alt)
– The site allows changing the font size by using the CTRL key and the mouse wheel.
– The links on the site are clear and contain an explanation of where they link to.
– Possibility to change the colors on the site by clicking on the background button on the site.

Document accessibility
Documents are made accessible on the site according to the relevance of the files and their update date.
If you come across a file that is not accessible, and you need accessibility adjustments, please contact us.

Accessibility restrictions
It should be noted that despite our efforts to make all pages on the site accessible, it is possible that parts of the site that are not yet accessible will be discovered.
We continue our efforts to improve the site’s accessibility as part of our commitment to allow its use by the entire population, including people with disabilities.

Inquiries, requests and improvement proposals on accessibility issues
For any request, request or suggestion for improvement regarding accessibility, we will be happy to receive comments and clarifications:
Tel: 916-954-3770
Mail: [email protected]